
side vine Learn more about side vine

  • Technology of pruning and pressing vine of watermelon

    Technology of pruning and pressing vine of watermelon

    Technology of pruning and pressing vine of watermelon

  • The latest course on the techniques and methods of pruning and pressing of watermelon

    The latest course on the techniques and methods of pruning and pressing of watermelon

    Watermelon pruning and vine pressing is a necessary work in the process of watermelon planting, which is very important to the growth of watermelon. Many people do not know what effect it has. How exactly should we do it? What do you need to pay attention to? Let's get to know it with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest watermelon pruning pressing vine technology method tutorial
  • Winter pruning techniques of grape in northern China

    Winter pruning techniques of grape in northern China

    Winter pruning techniques for grapes in northern regions are carried out in buried cold areas, and winter pruning of grapes is carried out before cold protection. According to the growth of branches and vines, the pruning degree is different. From the length of the cut, there are extremely long shoot pruning,...

  • The pruning of watermelon

    The pruning of watermelon

    The pruning of watermelon

  • How to achieve high yield of watermelon in open field in spring

    How to achieve high yield of watermelon in open field in spring

    At present, it is the season of sowing and raising seedlings of watermelon in open field. in order to do a good job in watermelon planting and improve farmers' income, the key points of cultivation techniques of open field watermelon in spring are introduced as follows: first, varieties should be selected according to market demand. Select varieties with good quality, high yield and strong disease resistance, such as Qinghong.

  • Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of watermelon in open field in spring

    Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques of watermelon in open field in spring

    At present, it is the season of sowing and raising seedlings of watermelon in open field. in order to do a good job in watermelon planting and improve farmers' income, the key points of cultivation techniques of open field watermelon in spring are introduced as follows: first, varieties should be selected according to market demand. Select varieties with good quality, high yield and strong disease resistance, such as Qinghong.

  • Propagation methods of Siraitia grosvenorii

    Propagation methods of Siraitia grosvenorii

    Propagation methods of Siraitia grosvenorii

  • The latest propagation method of Siraitia grosvenorii

    The latest propagation method of Siraitia grosvenorii

    Luohanguo is a perennial vine of Cucurbitaceae, known as immortal fruit, which blossoms in summer and bears fruit in autumn. China is mainly produced in Longjiang Township, Longsheng and Baishou Township, Yongfu County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region. the main methods of reproduction are pressure vine propagation and grafting propagation.

    2020-11-10 The latest Siraitia grosvenorii reproduction method Luohan fruit cucurbitaceae
  • How to trim balsam pear in arch shed?

    How to trim balsam pear in arch shed?

    How to trim balsam pear in arch shed? Please guide when going to the countryside to see that there are too many side vines of balsam pear planted by many vegetable farmers, resulting in poor ventilation and light, slow plant growth, seriously affecting the increase of balsam pear yield. When asked why the vegetable farmer did not trim the balsam pear, the vegetable farmer reflected that the balsam pear mainly depended on lateral vines.

  • Chicken blood vine is another name for many plants, such as Leguminosae, angiosperm phylum, butterfly flower family, etc.

    Chicken blood vine is another name for many plants, such as Leguminosae, angiosperm phylum, butterfly flower family, etc.

    Chicken blood vine (plant) chicken blood vine, for leguminous, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, butterfly flower family and other plants nickname. Evergreen woody vines, glabrous, new branches dark green, base persistent with several triangular bud scales. Born in the sea.

  • Experience Exchange of Initial Melon Planting

    Experience Exchange of Initial Melon Planting

    In 2009, the price of Elizabeth melon was surprisingly good. The greenhouse was planted early and sold for 5 yuan per catty; the first crop melon in the arch shed sold for nearly 3 yuan per catty. Even the price of the second crop melon was similar to that of the first crop melon in previous years, about 1.5 yuan per catty. So many vegetable farmers planted Elizabeth this spring.

  • How to manage planting wax gourd in paddy field?

    How to manage planting wax gourd in paddy field?

    How to manage planting wax gourd in paddy field? What are the ways to increase production? Planting wax gourd in paddy field can increase yield in the following three ways: fertilizer and water management. It is not easy to water the stem of wax gourd at the growth stage, so we should take the management measures of "promoting" and "controlling". After watering, we should plough and preserve soil moisture and prolong the interval of watering.

  • A complete Collection of planting techniques of Watermelon in greenhouse

    A complete Collection of planting techniques of Watermelon in greenhouse

    In the past when material materials were extremely scarce, it was not easy to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, and it was even more difficult to eat unseasonable fruits and vegetables. The development of the times has solved many of the problems we faced in the past, and the technology of fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse has also given us a year.

    2020-11-08 Watermelon greenhouse planting technology Daquan in material materials extremely
  • Shelf management technology of planting Schisandra chinensis at home

    Shelf management technology of planting Schisandra chinensis at home

    1. The frame style of Schisandra chinensis is a perennial vine, the branches are weak and soft, and need to grow upward around other supports clockwise, so it is necessary to set up a frame pole under the condition of home planting, so that Schisandra chinensis can maintain a certain tree shape, branches and leaves can be reasonably distributed in space, so as to obtain sufficient light and good ventilation conditions, and facilitate a series of field management operations in the garden. Schisandra chinensis is mainly cultivated with a single-wall hedge (2 m × 1 m or 2 m × 0.70 m), with a height of 2 m.

  • How to increase production by planting cherry tomatoes in greenhouse?

    How to increase production by planting cherry tomatoes in greenhouse?

    How can planting cherry tomatoes in greenhouse increase production? In the annual cultivation of cherry tomato in greenhouse, for the middle and late ripening varieties with strong growth potential and long fruiting period, such as Taiwan virgin, Yazu 6 and 139, the leaves can be evenly distributed and reasonable lighting position can be maintained by using cultivation techniques such as continuous coring and falling vine.

  • Watermelon planting techniques and management methods

    Watermelon planting techniques and management methods

    Watermelon is a fruit that is loved by consumers, but there are still many melon farmers who encounter problems in the planting process of watermelon. Here we will talk about watermelon planting technology and management method. Watermelon planting management method 1, land selection and fertilization: watermelon planting should be selected soil layer

    2020-11-09 watermelon planting technology management method is deeply widely
  • The key points of planting techniques of passion fruit, a cash cow with wide market and high benefit

    The key points of planting techniques of passion fruit, a cash cow with wide market and high benefit

    The key points of planting techniques of passion fruit, a cash cow with wide market and high benefit

  • Open-air planting technology of watermelon

    Open-air planting technology of watermelon

    The flesh of watermelon is sweet, and it is a fruit that many people like to eat. It can cool down and relieve the heat in summer, and it has a long history of cultivation in our country. The following editor will introduce the open-air planting technology of watermelon for you. 1. Deep soil layer and sparse soil should be selected for land preparation.

    2020-11-08 Watermelon planting technology open air watermelon pulp sweet is a lot
  • Planting method of potted towel gourd

    Planting method of potted towel gourd

    Planting method of potted towel gourd

  • The latest pruning methods of cold potato vines

    The latest pruning methods of cold potato vines

    Friends who have planted sweet potato all know that sweet potato is a kind of plant with strong sprouting power on the ground. In production and planting, it is generally necessary to fight and plant in order not to cause ground congestion, to keep branches, stems and leaves fully photosynthetic, to produce nutrition, and to ensure good growth.

    2020-11-10 The latest sweet potato rattan pruning method planting too cold potato